Cannacoffee CBD Coffee: A Canex Review

17th March 2021

We have CBD pillows, clothes, and even CBD cafés. Here at Canex, we have tried a huge range of fruity drinks and alcohol but have you ever tried CBD Coffee?

I’ve heard the opinion that CBD coffee is just a gimmick, but for someone who is sensitive to normal coffee, yet still addicted to the kick – it just works!

Cannacoffee sent us some of their CBD Coffee range to try. Here’s a little about the brand…

“The Hashtag company’s mission is to raise awareness of the hemp plant and its benefits through our great-tasting products while promoting sustainability. Changing the status quo with how we approach and demonstrate the value of one of the world’s most sustainable and nutritious plants.”

– This is no ordinary company making ordinary products.

– All about the plant from seed to stalk and leaf, Hemp has many uses and wide-ranging benefits to health and well-being.

– Throughout all of our creative processes we are committed to sourcing sustainable ingredients and packaging.

– Partnering and affiliating with organisations that are committed to making an impact to better the environment.

Original CBD Coffee (200g) – £14.99

CBD-Infused Coffee
THC Free
Single Origin
100% Arabica
200mg CBD Per Bag



The very first thing I noticed was that the packaging is recyclable, I am all about that sustainable life and we’re so happy brands are taking that on too. Whoop, we’re all saving the planet one coffee bag at a time. Next, was how slick the packaging truly is. Monochrome with hints of a dark leafy green gives it a fresh and modern feel.


At Canex HQ we were extremely divided on taste. On our first brew, we followed the instructions and all dove straight in for our coffee fix. We collectively agreed this wasn’t quite strong enough for us so the next day we made a second batch and let it brew for 10 minutes which gave it the deeper flavour we are used to.

Personally, for me, it tasted a little leafy but not in the usual CBD/hemp way. Someone else said floral but I couldn’t quite put my finger on it – then again I am no coffee connoisseur! I drink black coffee like there is a worldwide shortage but I couldn’t get past the oily film on the top. Having said that, I just know the vanilla flavour Cannacoffee with oat milk would make a wicked iced latte.

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