Does CBD Have a Positive Impact on Your Workout and Recovery?

10th June 2021

As the country continues to open back up, hundreds of thousands have once again begun to flock to gyms to reboot their workouts. That puts a lot of people back on the lookout for effective workout supplements. So, we were wondering: what would a sports enthusiast get from using CBD pre and post-workout?

The market is full of products that they say help people to gain muscle, drop body fat, and recover. But many sportspeople, athletes, and regular gym-goers have been vocal about their use of CBD products both before and after their workout.

CBD, or cannabidiol, is one of the most common chemical compounds found in the cannabis plant. It is classed as a Cannabinoid, along with THC, but on the contrary to its cousin, it’s not psychoactive – meaning you don’t get high after using it.

CBD is a naturally occurring chemical known for its potential health and wellness benefits. Among its reported benefits is its anti-inflammatory properties which could come in handy after a nice workout, game, or match – you name it!

Muscle pain and inflammation

There is growing anecdotal evidence that CBD can help in muscle recovery. Exercising actually causes damage to your muscles which, when healed, makes them stronger. However, this damage often causes pain and inflammation. CBD’s anti-inflammatory properties could make the cannabinoid a useful addition to post-workout regimes. In addition, CBD is often considered to have potential pain-killing abilities.

According to some experts, CBD may offer one of the most efficient solutions to repairing damage caused through exercise. In comparison to other products and more traditional methods of recovery, the addition of CBD would mean no setbacks in slowing the recovery process down.

Is CBD a performance-enhancing substance?

While some feel that CBD helps them to perform on a higher level for their workout or match, it has not been proven that this is actually the case. Furthermore, the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) has removed the cannabinoid from its list of banned substances.

Thanks to this move by WADA, many athletes around the world are able to enjoy CBD freely. Nevertheless, competitive sportspeople are still encouraged to exercise caution when it comes to CBD products, as some may contain traceable levels of THC, which remains on the list.

Further, the UK anti-doping agency (Ukad) also announced recently that athletes would receive shorter bans for cannabis use, including THC. America’s National Football League (NFL) also recently made the decision to end the suspension of players for cannabis use.

As it might help prior to, during, and after exercise, it should come as no surprise that many famous athletes and sportspeople have publicly advocated for the product.

For instance, the FIFA Women’s World Cup winner Meghan Rapinoe is a huge advocate of CBD:

“CBD is a natural alternative that has helped me stay at the top of my game for several years now, whether that be regulating my sleep, relaxing on long flights, helping with inflammation, or recovering after hard training and games.”

Due to the high pressure and stresses of their jobs, some athletes have been known to suffer from mental health issues during their careers. Stress and anxiety levels in sports can be extremely high, making CBD potentially useful for another reason.

CBD is also well known for its potential ability to reduce feelings of anxiety and depression. While, as previously mentioned, CBD doesn’t get you high, researchers believe its properties could play a crucial role in easing such feelings in its users. In some cases, it may also help to improve sleep – which in itself may lead to better performance.

CBD is not only for professional athletes, though. There are some out there who are enjoying its benefits on a daily basis.

Aled Nelmes, Marketing Agency Owner, 24, told Canex that he’s been using CBD products for nine months:

“I chose to use CBD products as I heard about their benefits for helping with anxiety. Like many, I have a very intense working day running my own agency so that work mindset and its thoughts can easily enter the evening time.”

He added he had started with vape but switched to CBD drops as it was easier to fit it in his routine: “Taking CBD fitted into my end-of-work ritual, combined with exercise, helped me switch off and sleep better and deeper.”

Toby Gordon-Smith, CEO of UK-based CBD brand Grass & Co. explained: “Many people who have already tried CBD Oils think that the challenging taste is something you just have to put up with to enjoy the benefits.

“At Grass & Co. we’ve developed the finest quality and best-tasting CBD range. Our EASE CBD range is blended with delicious therapeutic botanicals and vitamins that are well known to help with muscle recovery and are a pleasure to use as part of your daily routine. Alongside our 100% natural CBD drops, the EASE Muscle Balm is perfect for directly soothing sore muscles post-workout so that your body is ready for your next session.”
In our most recent episode of the ‘Not That High’ podcast, our hosts discuss the ways in which sportspeople are increasingly embracing cannabis.

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