Student ambassadors assemble to end stigma around medical cannabis

27th August 2021

As Freshers’ Week is fast approaching, the UK’s leading drug policy charity has launched a campaign to raise awareness about medical cannabis among students.

According to Drug Science, the organisation that launched the ground-breaking observational medical cannabis study, Project Twenty21 to improve access to medical cannabis for patients across the UK, they asked student ambassadors to help spread the word about the potential benefits of medical cannabis, and tell the honest and factual truth about drugs.

Drug Science has gathered a team to help distribute posters and flyers at Freshers Fairs up and down the country, raising awareness around the history of cannabis – one rooted in racism and propaganda largely from the alcohol and paper industries – and highlighting the need for UK-based evidence into the benefits of medical cannabis.

(One of the posters available in the campaign. Source: Drug Science)

As it was reported last year, a YouGov poll showed that an astonishing, two-thirds of people aged 18-24 show support for full cannabis legalisation in the UK. Furthermore, 36% of the same group reported that regular cannabis use was “not very harmful.”

It is clear that the younger generation consistently has a different attitude towards drugs and drug policies.

This new campaign run by Drug Science is now asking them to get involved in the discussion.

Mags Houston, Head of Project Twenty21 at Drug Science, said: “We’re not even three years into the legalisation of medical cannabis, so it’s unsurprising that the vast majority of cannabis use for medicinal purposes is still via the illicit market.

“We need people to know that cannabis is now a legal medicine in the UK, that the beneficial evidence is growing and we’re trying to make medical cannabis more affordable for those who need it most.

“Students and young people can play a key role in helping us get the word out there by talking to friends and family, putting posters up around their university campuses and ensuring that any healthcare student peers, in particular, are aware of the latest research.”

If you would like to take part, you can fill out this form to order printed materials (before or after Freshers Week) or print your posters and leaflets via this Google Drive link which includes sharable social media assets.

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