EMMAC Life Sciences to Provide Products for Coronavirus Trials

26th May 2020

EMMAC Life Sciences Group recently announced that it’s GMP-certified manufacturer, Medalchemy, will provide products for Covid-19 clinical trials. The trial will be part of a consortium led by the University of Valencia, Spain.

EMMAC Life Sciences is Europe’s leading independent cannabis company pioneering science and research with cutting-edge cultivation, extraction, and production. The company has developed operations in the UK, Germany, Spain, and Portugal, among other European countries. EMMAC Life Sciences Group has announced that it’s wholly-owned pharmaceutical manufacturer will be providing products to the Covid-19 clinical trials.

Coronavirus Clinical Trials

The clinical trial, part of a Consortium of trials led by researchers at the University of Valencia, will focus on the prevention of one of the key causes of death in Coronavirus victims. The progression of Adult Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS) in Covid-19 patients is currently thought to be the leading cause of death in patients who have contracted the virus.

The trials will assess the potential of the T12 molecule as a preventative treatment option for ARDS in Coronavirus patients. The T12 molecule targets the Goodpasture antigen-binding protein GPBP, an extracellular protein kinase that is overexpressed in the lungs of Covid-19 patients. This overexpression is thought to enlarge the alveolar septum, causing poor blood oxygenation.

Antonio Costanzo, CEO of EMMAC, said:

“During these unprecedented times it is important Medalchemy is able to offer its wealth of expertise and facilities to support such vitally important advancements for us all.”

About Medalchemy

Medalchemy is EMMAC‘s research and development facility located in Alicante, Spain. It is one of the group’s two GMP-certified laboratories, in addition to Rokshaw Laboratories in the UK. The technology-based company focuses on the development of pharmaceuticals and new chemical entities with therapeutic interest


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