Israeli opposition party veto cannabis decriminalisation in favour of “small political victory”

29th July 2021

The Israeli MPs have voted down a proposal that would’ve allowed the possess and use of small amounts of cannabis. If passed, the bill would also have reclassified CBD.

The Jerusalem Post reports that the governing coalition suffered a defeat as their proposal to decriminalise recreational cannabis possession of up to 50 grams and up to 15 seeds was voted down by 52 to 55.

After the failed attempt, the coalition will have to wait another six months before bringing the bill to the Knesset (the Israeli parliament), once again.

Among those who voted down the proposal were members of the Likud Party – which previously supported the plans to change the country’s cannabis policy.

However, the party chairman Yariv Levin said that the vote was a “great achievement for the opposition,” and [the party] will “do everything” to take down the new coalition, which he referred to as a “government of hate.”

The bill was put forth by New Hope MK Sharren Haskel, who said: “To the Likud members who are now certainly happy for this misfortune – because for you, there is no greater joy than the joy of watching others’ misfortune – take a look at the eyes of your electorate, and explain to them why you helped continue to inflict injustice on more than a million citizens in Israel, and tens of thousands more medical cannabis patients, children sitting at home today with life-threatening seizures and no medicine because of you.

“In recent weeks I have negotiated with you, you have been offered far-reaching proposals for cooperation on legislative issues and even roles chairing Knesset committees, but you have preferred personal political considerations over the public good and over a law that you yourselves believe is necessary.

“You achieved a small political victory, but you caused a great injustice by both parliamentary and non-parliamentary means.”

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