Jeremy Corbyn’s Son to Open the UK’s First ‘All Hemp’ Store

13th August 2019

An ‘all hemp’ store, the ‘National Hemp Service’, will open next month in Islington, London. Tommy Corbyn, son of the leader of the Opposition, alongside his partner Chloe Kerslake-Smith are dedicated to spreading the word on the benefits of the Cannabis plant.

The shop will bring together a collection of products which embody many of the possible uses of the Cannabis plant. From Hemp seed and CBD oils and skincare to edibles and clothing, the couple wants the shop to teach customers about the sustainability benefits of Hemp.

Kerslake-Smith, co-founder of National Hemp Service, said:

“We are trying to show everyone all the things hemp can do, because it’s sustainable, incredible for the earth and climate and should be decriminalised.”

The pair are also planning to campaign for the legalisation of Cannabis in the UK. Jeremy Corbyn, Tommy’s father, has expressed support for the store. However, his political party has shown no indication that they support the legalisation of Cannabis.

Cannabis – including Hemp, have been illegal to the average person in the UK since the 1920s. However, it is legal to grow Hemp in the UK with a Home Office license.

Tommy Corbyn said:

 “We want to champion hemp as a material for all different things. We think cannabis has been demonised for a long time and hemp can be a good gateway into finding out more about it – we don’t want people to be afraid of the plants.”

Hemp has been used for thousands of years as a construction material, as well as for medicine and fuel. The British Hemp Association claims that the plant has up to 50,000 end uses.

The number of Hemp farms has declined, as the plant is often considered to be interchangeable with Marijuana – another Cannabis plant. As a result, many people in the UK aren’t familiar with the potential of the plant.

Corbyn claims that it is “the answer to a lot of our health and sustainability issues”.

The ‘All Hemp’ store will be open in September, in Stoud Green Road, Islington. It will also have a cafe, serving up Hemp-infused foods and drinks.


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