New Cannabinoids Discovered that are more Potent than THC and CBD

10th January 2020

Despite the human relationship with the Cannabis plant having stretched for millennia, we still have an awful lot to learn about the mysterious compounds found within it. In fact, we may still be yet to discover all the compounds found in the plant. This was demonstrated very recently by Italian researchers, who revealed their discovery of two ‘new’ cannabinoids.

On the 30th of December 2019, the researchers from Italy published their article on the discovery and properties of THCP and CBDP. The new cannabinoids were found to be very similar in structure to the most well-known cannabinoids, THC and CBD. However, it is claimed that they could be up to thirty times more potent.


The researchers outlined how they tested the effects of THCP on mice. They explained that the compound had many of the same effects as THC. However, the newly discovered compound appeared to be much more potent. THC is the primary cannabinoid found within the Cannabis Sativa plant and the compound which causes a ‘high’ when consumed.

Though this potency was clearly observed in mice, it is difficult to say for sure whether the compound would have the same effect on humans.

In their report, the reporters did, however, express their expectation that THCP has “an even high binding affinity for CB1 receptor [in the brain] and a greater cannabimimetic activity than THC itself.”


The second compound, CBDP (Cannabdiphorol), is structurally similar to Cannabidiol (CBD). CBD has taken a number of industries by storm in recent years. The compound has been integrated into countless products, including sparkling and alcoholic drinks, skincare, and even gym wear.

Much more research is required before we will understand CBDP’s effects on the endocannabinoid. We do know that CBD has a poor binding affinity for both the CBD1 and CBD2 receptors. This makes it possible that CBDP may be more effective at interacting with the endocannabinoid system. Therefore, the cannabinoid may produce similar effects to CBD.


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