Pureis® CBD: World’s First CBD Company to Receive FSA & EFSA Validation

23rd March 2021

Pureis® Ultra Pure CBD has become the first CBD company to receive a validated Novel Foods application by the Food Standards Agency (FSA). The company is also the first CBD company in the world to have received dual validation by both the UK FSA and the European Food Safety Authorisation (EFSA). 

Novel Foods Validation

The UK Novel Foods deadline is quickly approaching as CBD companies in the UK must have submitted their applications for validation to the FSA by 31 March 2021. Products that are not connected to a pending application after this date are set to be removed from the UK market.

Previously, CBD brands were expected to have their applications validated by this deadline or face their products being removed from the UK market. However, the latest announcement from the FSA offers more CBD brands the opportunity to gain Novel Foods approval in the UK and keep their products on shelves.

This announcement by Pureis® CBD puts the company in pole position to be the first CBD company in the world to be granted Novel Food licenses in both the UK and the EU.

Commenting on the dual validation of their dossier, Founder of Pureis® Ultra Pure CBD, Chanelle Lady McCoy said:

“During a time when there is so much uncertainty, Pureis® CBD is here to cut through the noise. From the beginning of this journey, it was vital to us that we brought products to the market which were backed by clinical studies. This enabled us to give our customers the necessary reassurance that they are receiving, high quality, full certified CBD products.

“Novel Food Approval is a positive step in the right direction for breaking the stigma around CBD in the market. Only through industry taking the lead can this stigma be addressed. We are proud to be setting a benchmark for compliance.”

Pureis® CBD Founders Chanelle Lady McCoy and Caroline Glynn.

CBD and Novel Food Regulation

As CBD grew to become one of the most popular lifestyle and wellbeing supplements across the world, law and regulation have often struggled to keep up. This has led to an under-regulated market, both here in the UK, and in markets overseas.

Under Novel Foods regulation, CBD companies now have to provide evidence of the manufacturing methods, ingredients, and safety of their products. Over the course of 18 months, Pureis® CBD had already completed a full suite of clinical studies necessary to meet and satisfy the requirements of the EFSA and FSA UK when CBD was ruled as a Novel Food in 2019.

In a press release, Caroline Glynn, Co-Founder of Pureis® Ultra Pure CBD stated:

“Around 8 million people in the UK alone take CBD, these customers are searching for a legitimate, reputable CBD brand with the backing of clinical studies. We are incredibly proud to be that brand for many. Being stocked in retailers such as Boots and Holland & Barrett, as well as multiple pharmacies, we are determined on creating more accessibility to our CBD products.

“While having clinical studies in place is necessary for Novel Food, we don’t intend to stop there. We will persist to generate more clinical data on the wonderful properties of CBD. With this in mind, we are continuing to invest in further efficacy studies in a range of clinical indications.”

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