People in the UK Think More Should Be Invested in Alternative Medicines – A New Study Finds

29th August 2019

Traditional medicines have been around for thousands of years. Physical treatments like acupuncture, herbal remedies, and homeopathy have seen a decline alongside the rise of scientific medicine. Yet a new survey has found that over half of the people in the UK believe that more resources should be invested in alternative medicines. 

A study carried out by, surveyed 3,000 people across the UK. Participants were asked a series of questions relating to medicines and diagnosing. The study revealed that almost two-thirds of people would prefer to use a natural remedy than a typical medicine, to treat minor medical conditions.

The insight comes as the UK’s CBD industry has exploded. The natural component of the Cannabis plant has been found to have a series of potential therapeutic and health benefits. However, the ingredient is not yet regulated in the UK, meaning that quality can vary immensely.

CBD is thought to be effective at reducing stress and anxiety levels, as well as being an anti-inflammatory. It has been claimed that it has the ability to relieve pain, insomnia, and depression. Due to all of these potential benefits,  6 million people in the UK have tried a CBD product, according to an independent study by the Centre for Medicinal Cannabis.

The study found that over half of the participants believed that more money should be invested in alternative medicines in the NHS. The number mirrors the percentage of people who believe that Cannabis should be legalised in the UK.

Mark Fawcett, a spokesperson for, says:

“It’s clear that a significant number of people are in support of alternative healing; especially given the increasing research being conducted into products such as CBD”.

A study by the Conservative Drug Policy Reform Group found that 55% of the British public support the legalisation of recreational Cannabis. A larger proportion supports the legalisation of medical Cannabis (77%). Despite medical cannabis being legalised at the end of last year, there have been extremely few prescriptions given.

Furthermore, NHS England recently released a draft of its advisory guidelines for medical Cannabis. The draft outlined that the body will not make recommendations for the use of Cannabis for most conditions.

However, the lack of recommendation from NHS England has not restricted the growth of the CBD market. Since its significant emergence a couple of years ago, the CBD market has grown to be larger than the Vitamin C, and Vitamin D markets combined.

Some people are even turning CBD as a replacement for pain medications like opioids. Opioids have been used for centuries as a pain reliever. However, they are known to carry a high risk of addiction. CBD converts have been known to claim that CBD has been just as effective for them, with the added benefit of being non-addictive.

Despite there being so much anecdotal evidence surrounding the alternative medicine, clinical trials of CBD are still lacking. In fact, evidence around Cannabis, in general, is still not comprehensive. This is mostly down to the stigma and prohibition around the plant, which took hold internationally in the 1920s and 30s.’s study has supplied more evidence that attitudes to alternative medicines are changing.


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