Super Doc – Dr Sunny Nayee, The Medical Cannabis Clinic

6th January 2022

It’s that time of year again where we bring to you our end-of-year Canex awards for all of our favourites in the CBD and medical cannabis industries. This year has been particularly hard on small businesses and people’s health and wellbeing and we want to celebrate those in charge and those that are still going against all odds…

Dr. Sunny Nayee from the Medical Cannabis Clinics became a doctor to help people in substantial pain. He is a “swiss army knife” when it comes to treating severe medical conditions, such as Chronic pain, spinal pain, or acute pain. Dr. Nayee trained at Cambridge University Medical School and completed training in some of the top teaching hospitals in the United Kingdom.
It is fair to say he’s an expert in pain management. It is not a coincidence that he is the Medical Director at Medical Cannabis Clinics, one of the up-and-coming medical cannabis clinics in the UK.

In such a tumultuous two years, Dr. Nayee has been working tirelessly to find a solution to improve his patients’ quality of life. He’s been a true advocate for medical cannabis and an adamant educator. He knows more GPs need to know about this life-changing and, in some cases, life-saving medicine.

He’s one of the good guys. It was always going to be him the ‘Super Doc’ in 2021.

“For more than fifteen years, Dr. Sunny Nayee has worked tirelessly to improve the quality of life of his patients, becoming an expert in pain management for severe medical conditions. As Medical Director at The Medical Cannabis Clinics, Dr. Nayee has shown his commitment to providing patients with the best treatment options available through the appropriate prescribing of cannabis-based medicines. Under his leadership, our patient clinic has become the market leader.

As well as working to improve the life of his own patients, Dr. Nayee aims to improve the treatment of others by sharing his knowledge and expertise, helping end the stigma which can surround medicinal cannabis. Our patients have described Dr. Nayee as kind, caring and professional. We are honoured to be led by him and look forward to more exciting developments in 2022. Huge congratulations to Dr. Nayee and his committed team on this very deserving award.”  – TMCC

‘It’s a great honour to receive this award, just as it is a great privilege to be able to assist patients in the management of their pain and to access life-changing medical cannabis treatments. I first joined The Medical Cannabis Clinics over 2 years ago and in that time we’ve made great strides in the medical cannabis space, and as Medical Director, I’ve been struck by how dedicated the team is to helping patients and expanding access to medical cannabis. There’s definitely lots more to do in 2022 and I can’t wait to get started. Thank you to Canex for this recognition, my team, and all my patients.’ – Dr. Nayee

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